these words sometimes leave your head wobbling, feeling drunk. i understand how you feel. i felt the same way the first year i began see the fnords. i'm not drunk at all, and neither are you. there's no alcohol in these words. its just that after watching 100s of hours of “news” reporters being overly respectful of Mrs. Palan is discombobulating.
this is the cult of sanity... i call it a cult because sanity doesn’t have the depth of pocketbook nor quantity of followers to deem legal status as a religion
i've used this technique many times. It helps intellectual tourists, such as yourself...loosen up without impairing your ability to take away ideas and share them with friends...and enjoy guilt free, mental masturbation. This kind of thinking is not proven to make you a dime of money. Many call this pointless. And THEY are right. This is pointless thinking. Guilty as charged.